Over 32 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD. It is a progressive lung disease without a cure. COPD is most commonly caused by smoking or exposure to air pollution, fumes or inhaled irritants. Normally, this disease progresses more quickly in smokers compared to non-smokers. It can be associated with chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma.

COPD Symptoms

Symptoms vary for those suffering from COPD. It can be part of one’s daily life – constant cough, shortness of breathe and/or difficulty catching your breathe. Since COPD is a progressive disease, symptoms will progressively worsen if you do not seek treatment. Some of the most common COPD symptoms include:

  • Wheezing
  • Persistent cough that produces a lot of mucus (sometimes called a “smoker’s cough”)
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath doing simple activities
  • Unexplained swelling in ankles or legs
  • Feeling like your heart is beating out of your chest
  • Easily susceptible to the flu or flu-like symptoms


Traditional treatments for COPD vary, depending on the severity of the disease, but they can include:

  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation or medications
  • Advanced stages can require intubation and use of a ventilator